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Where does all my "stuff" go?

Setting up the right buckets is just as important to having a good step-by-step process to accomplish something. This is the main point of Chapter 7 of Getting Things Done written by David Allen, He puts an emphasis on having a total and seamless system of organization in place. This place gives you tremendous power because it allows your mind to let go. He wants you to put more time into intuitive focusing and not being distracted. Some examples of buckets are folders, specific spots, or an actual bucket. Buckets are meant to keep things organized. Allen states that not every person is going to have the same amount of buckets and they are ever changing. Some buckets I use are my notes app and Google calendar, on my phone and a spreadsheet. I put down tasks I come across in my notes app. I check it back when I get to my townhouse and write it down in a prioritized order. For big events like meetings or other non-school events I put it into my Google calendar. I like that Google calendar links between my phone, computer, and school email, which makes it super helpful. My spreadsheet has all my assignments and tests from the entire semester. I make the list at the beginning of the semester by going through all my syllabi and writing down all the important dates. I update it frequently because assignment due dates sometimes change. The spreadsheet is the bucket I use the most and is the most useful to me.



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